Johann Breitwieser Breitwieser-Schani

News and Changes

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2022/23 - 2020/21 - 2018/19 - 2016/17 - 2015 - up to 2015

Return of Musikspektakel "Die Legende vom Breitwieser Schani"

September 27/28 2024 will see the return of Musikspektakel "Die Legende vom Breitwieser Schani" due to the great success in May.
1 July 2024

New Transcription

First transcription of a report in "Illustrierte Kronen-Zeitung".
29 June 2024

Minor Changes to Events

Some little alterations to the page listing events related to Schani.
27 May 2024

Musikspektakel "Die Legende vom Breitwieser Schani"

On the 17th of May 2024 Musikspektakel "Die Legende vom Breitwieser Schani" will open this year's HÖR.KUNST.FESTIVAL "Eing'steckt is!" in St. Andrä-Wördern.
17 April 2024

Added Articles

The list of reports on Schani in the press now includes those found in "Illustrierte Kronen-Zeitung".
27 March 2024

Two new Transcriptions

Two articles on the dramatic arrest of one of Schani's aquaintances.
9 February 2024


Little updates on all pages on news here on
1 January 2024