Official archives in Austria still hold some material relating to Schani's life. This page lists the known documents available online.
Birth and Christening
Schani's birth and christening are registered with the parish Meidling in Vienna.
Residence Registration
The Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv holds a few Registration forms for Schani, among them the one registring his admission to Steinhof asylum and the one for his admission to Landesgericht prison on the day of his death.
Document 67 of the project „oe99 Was Österreich bedeutet - 99 Dokumente, Briefe und Urkunden“ by Helmut Maderthaner, General director of the Austrian State Archives, is the 27-page indictment against Schani from December 1918.
At the beginning of this document you can have a look at the police photograph taken after his capture in April 1918.
Alservorstadt parish, of which Landesgericht prison was part, mentions injury to an artery by the bullet through Schani's lung.
In the death register of Wiener Landesgerichtsgefangenenhaus the entry for his death reads „a few minutes after being admitted to Inquisitenspital“.
These two sources spell his name Breitwieser and Braitwieser.
Schani's parents married in 1886 in Meidling parish.
Hermann Kraszna describes Schani as sixth child out of sixteen. We have so far found documentation for only seven brothers and sisters, most of them in Meidling parish. Schani would be the third here.
Karoline (*26.9.1886)
Rudolf (*13.1.1889)
Jakob (*10.9.1892 +21.4.1893)
Franz (*9.2.1894)
Anna (*30.5.1895)
Carl Friedrich (*16.10.1898)
Friederike (*13.6.1900)