Project E-Book
In 1925 Hermann Kraszna, renowned lawyer in Vienna wrote his book Johann Breitwieser. Ein Lebensbild. Today it is long out of print and very rarely available in a library and then, in rather poor condition.
In order to save this source from oblivion we started this e-book project in 2010. As the book was printed in the old German typeface and the paper's bad state makes copies and scans very hard to read, we could not use OCR software. We had to rely on the help of our visitors.
These very well preserved pages show what the source looked like

Idealistic volunteers were willing to type scans of pages that were enhanced for better readability and send back the resulting files. Their enthusiasm variied much and so typing dragged on till the end of 2014.
All the text files had to be collected and converted into one file format. This was then imported into an e-book editor. After that orthography had to be unified, obvious typing errors were eliminated and punctuation set typographically correct.
Then the book was proof-read. All possible errors were again checked against the source scans. A lot of work went into taking care of the many peculiarities that e-book readers and reader programs show when displaying content.
The e-book was published on January 31, 2015 and is available to download here for free. Unfortunately, it is in German only. Work has not finished, though. Many of the dialogues are in Viennese dialect, there are many old expressions and words only used in Austria, so the use software spell checkers was rather limited. Therefore we ask our readers to send (typing) errors they find and every input that could make the book better to us by mail. Thank you in advance!
The newest version is version 1.0.2