Johann Breitwieser Breitwieser-Schani

Books and Publications


The cover of Kraszna's Breitwieser book

Hermann Kraszna
Johann Breitwieser. Ein Lebensbild.

2 volumes, Verlag der Tribunal, Vienna 1925

This book about Schani Breitwieser is a mixture of documentary and novel.

Dr. Hermann Kraszna was a lawyer and author of several books. He was forced to flee from Vienna during the Third Reich and died in exile in Ecuador in 1942.

Even from second-hand sources this book is very hard to get. Should you be able to get one, please get in touch.

The e-book version of this book is a project of this website.

The cover of Unruly Masses

Wolfgang Maderthaner, Lutz Musner
Unruly Masses: The Other Side of Fin-de-siecle Vienna

Berghahn Books, Oxford-New York 2008, ISBN 978-1-84545-446-3 Pb, ISBN 978-1-84545-345-9 Hb

Imperial Vienna was not a snowglobe between Waltzes and Schönbrunn Palace. It was capital of an Empire with all the problems of a big city. This book offers good insight into the situation of the poor in Vienna's suburbs during the time of Schani Breitwiesers. Ten pages containing several photos are dedicated to his life.

Also, it is the only book listed here that is available in English.

Cover of Österreich 99

Wolfgang Maderthaner
Österreich. 99 Dokumente, Briefe und Urkunden.

Brandstätter Verlag, Wien 2018, ISBN 978-3-7106-0193-4

Again, Wolfgang Maderthaner has included a chapter on Schani Breitwieser in his hefty and luxuriously illustrated book on the history of Austria.

Titelbild von High Crime.

Michael Zinganel (Ed)
High Crime. Gesellschaft Kunst und Verbrechen

edition selene, Wien 1998, ISBN 978-3-85266-094-3
Luftschacht, Wien, ISBN 978-3-902373-74-8

This book presents articles that deal with the similarities between art and crime. In the first, Wolfgang Maderthaner and Siegfried Mattl compare Schani with painter Hans Makart.

Cover of Der rasende Reporter

Egon Erwin Kisch
Der rasende Reporter

Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-7466-5051-7

This, the most famous book by Egon Erwin Kisch, contains an article named Wie der Einbrecher Breitwieser erschossen wurde (How the burglar Breitwieser was shot). It also features a sketch of the villa in St. Andrä Wördern, where Schani Breitwieser lived. The article is available here to copy and paste into your favourite translating service.

Cover of Das große Lesebuch

Alfred Polgar
Das große Lesebuch.

rororo, 2004, ISBN 978-3-499-23806-2

Alfred Polgar too wrote an article about Schani Breitwieser. It was published as Ein Heldenleben and first collected in Schwarz auf Weiß (s. below).

Titelbild von Die bösen Buben von Wien

Beppo Beyerl
Die bösen Buben von Wien. Gauner, Strizzis & Hallodris.

Styria, 2022, ISBN 978-3-222-13666-5

One of the bösen Buben in this book is, of course, Schani Breitwieser and he got to feature on the cover, too. The author was so nice as to include mention of this website.

Out of print

Der Schutzumschlag von Schwarz auf Weiß

Alfred Polgar
Schwarz auf Weiß.

Rowohlt, Berlin 1929

In Alfred Polgar's lifetime his article Ein Heldenleben on Schani Breitwieser was published in this collection. Other collections are still available (s. above)

The cover of Seid lieb auch zu Disteln

Wilfried Zeller-Zellenberg
Seid lieb auch zu Disteln. Von Undsoweiter der k. u. k. Herrlichkeit 1918 bis dato und in alle Ewigkeit

Europaverlag, Vienna 1976, ISBN 3-203-50502-4

Writer and cartoonist Wilfried Zeller-Zellenberg on 15 pages dedicates critical texts and many drawings - some of them of very rebellious nature - to the funeral of Schani Breitwieser. Also included are photographs and newspaper articles.

It is not hard to find this book second-hand.

Cover of the museum magazine

Hans W. Bousska
Johann Breitwieser. Der Einbrecherkönig von Meidling, ein Robin Hood der Vororte?

in: Museumsblätter des Bezirksmuseums Meidling, Heft 30, Vienna 1992

This publication is mostly about the history of the police in Vienna and in Meidling. Included you can find an article on Schani Breitwieser.