Johann Breitwieser Breitwieser-Schani


Here you can find data in chronological order.

We expect this page to be filled with all the facts we can get reliable information on. Unfortunately, newspapers even then were everything else but accurate sources of information. Many of the official documents have been lost.

Still, it is work in progress. Should you be able to contribute, please get in touch.

13/4/1891 Johann Breitwieser is born the sixth child to Karl and Theresia Breitwieser.
26/4/1891 He is baptised in Zum Hl. Johannes Nepomuk church at Migazziplatz in Meidling.
5/2/1906 Aged 15 he stands trial in court for the first time and is sentenced to one month in prison.
1916 He deserts from the Austro-Hungarian army.
27/12/1918 Schani Breitwieser escapes from prison.
18/1/1919 He and his gang break into Hirtenberger Munitionsfabrik (Hirtenberger ammunition) and steal half a million crowns.
1/4/1919 The police shoot him while he tries to escape arrest from his house in St. Andrä-Wördern.
5/4/1919 He is buried in Meidlinger Friedhof (Meidling cemetary) in Vienna.